May 5th is the start of the National Small Business Week

small business week 2019


Small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy. Tunex is one of the 28 million small businesses in the U.S. that helps fuel the “American dream,” by employing over 56 million people and producing 50 percent of the non-farm gross domestic product here in the U.S.

We help drive the economy. But, we do more than that, as we hope the Made4Utah segments we sponsor for the Utah Manufacturers Association show. The small businesses here in Utah fund dreams. In many cases we provide the launching pad for the entrepreneurs of the future. We’re the dreamers and the doers that show up every day and continue to push, even in tight economic times. We make things happen.

This May 5th is the start of the National Small Business Week, which has been celebrated across the U.S. since 1963.

It’s a great week to support a local business. You are not just supporting our economy here in Utah, you are supporting someone’s dream.

The franchise owners of Tunex couldn’t be more excited to partner with the Utah Manufacturers Association and Channel 4 to highlight the amazing products made right here in Utah.